Vitiligo is a skin disorder in which smooth white areas called macules and patches appear on a person's skin. Generally starts on the hands for arms feet and face. Globally about 1% or so of the population has Vitiligo most people who have. Vitiligo will develop the condition prior to age 40 about half develop it before age 20. Vitiligo I may have a genetic component as the condition 10 Cimarron in families. Vitiligo is sometimes associated with other medical conditions including thyroid dysfunction.There is no way to determine if it'll I will spread or remain confined to one location. Types of Vitiligo do I go can be generalized which is the most common type when macules appear in various places on the body.
Segmental which is restricted to one side of the body or one area such as the hands or face mucosal what's your fax mucous membranes of the mouth and or the genitals.
Focal which is a rare type in which the macros are in a small area and do not spread in a certain pattern within 1 to 2 years. Tricone which means that there is a white or color lacentre been an area of lighter pigmentation and then an area of normally colored skin.
Symptoms white patches on the skin are the main side of vitiligo these patches are more common in areas where the skin is exposed to the Sun the patches maybe on the hands feet arms face and lips other common areas for white patches are the armpits and groin where the leg meets the body around the mouth eyes nostrils Naval genitals rectal areas.
Causes although the causes of Vitiligo aren't completely understood there are a number of different theories autoimmune disorder the infected person's immune system May develop antibodies that destroyed their on a science genetic factors certain factors that may increase the chance of getting Vitiligo can be inherited.
About 30% of Vitiligo cases run in families neurogenic factors a substance that is toxic to melanocytes may be released at nerve endings in the skin self-destruction a defect in the Milana size causes them to destroy themselves Google are you I may also be triggered by certain events such as physical or emotional stress because none of the explanation seemed to completely account for the condition it's possible that a combination of these factors is responsible for vitiligo.
Diagnosis usually the white patches are easily visible on the skin but Healthcare Providers can use a Wood's lamp which shines ultraviolet or UV light onto the skin to help differentiate from other skin conditions.
Treatment repigmentation therapy therapy camouflage therapy surgery counseling prevention since no one knows for certain what causes Vitiligo no one can tell you how to prevent it in general it is smart forever to practice safe sun exposure habits and to take good care of your skin.